Problem: When you use an account in Outlook 2013 (using EAS) and insert an attachment into an appointment, contact, or task, the attachment is not visible in the message body. All attachments – files and Outlook items – are affected by this bug.
Click the Copy to My Calendar command to create a copy of the appointment on your default calendar and the attachments will be visible in the local calendar.
The hidden attachments can be saved using File, Save All Attachments menu and opened from the hard drive.
For a VBA solution, see macro to open attachments. This macro will open all attachments in the appointment, contact, or task.
The notes field is plain text only in Contacts, Tasks, and Appointments.
Contacts, Tasks, and Appointments deleted in Outlook do not go into the Deleted Items folder and can't be recovered.
Published April 23, 2013. Last updated on April 29, 2013.